car// Ventura Nationals Weekend
Every year we look forward to Ventura Nationals Weekend. Not only because it's our hometown show, but it gives us a chance to catch up with friends we don't often see.
Friday night is the Annual Art and Photography show. This year it was hosted by Ventura Picture Framing and held at the Ventura Theatre. It was a cool exhibition, but the absolute highlight was the raffle car parked out front. This year Ventura Nationals partnered with Aaron Valencia to raffle off a '31 Ford to benefit Lost Angels Childrens Project. It was a beautiful car.
The day of the show wasn't quite as hot as last year, so we were able to walk around and really look at all of the cars, vans, trailers & bikes. The day was so nice, we were happy to see such a great turnout.
Sunday was the Reliability Run and Noble Fabrication BBQ. Check out all the photos below.
SUNDAY: Noble Fabrication Annual BBQ & Fundraiser for AWOW.